
I'm excited that you found me in this sea of information we call the worldwide web and would be honored to personally introduce you to the world of It Works! Global. First, allow me to take a few moments of your time to tell you just a little about me.
I owned an award winning event center for 10 years, Visions Events & Beyond along with 4 other prosperous businesses and because of It Works was able to close them all! My clients became a part of my family; and now that family has been extended even further across the globe by way of internet.
I understand personal thoughts and feelings of self worth, looking and feeling great and I also understand not having enough money to truly live the life that you dream of living.
I remember a time of being so broke I could only afford to eat off the dollar menu. I worked hard for so long just to get ahead and after spending many years of my life working two jobs and loosing valuable time with my family  I opened my own business thinking that was a better way. I was wrong. Talk about not having anytime... After 10 more years in the Wedding Planning industry and being the "proprietor"  I realized I wasn't getting ahead at all and I was still missing out; on family events, birthdays, anniversaries’ and other milestone occasions including my own. I wasn't living life, I was just simply living.
I love being an It Works Distributor. I never thought in a million years that I would even consider doing something like this! I didn't believe in a business model like this at all. I had learned over the years that being a dreamer didn't pay the bills. I was wrong again.. Owning my own It Works product based business has allowed me the opportunity to work from home, choose my own hours and dictate the time and effort I want to put into my business based on my own schedule. I don't have to miss out on life any longer. I take my business with me everywhere I go.  The chains have been broken!  I can dream and I can dream BIG! 

Let's me share with you a short video about It Works! Global

It Works exist to empower people to do great things with their lives and I feel so empowered by this business model.  I'd give that gift of empowerment to other men and women just like me.  I teach how these products and this business  truly can change the outcome of your  life! I don't know about you but personally, I don't want to spend my golden years sitting in some rocking chair wondering where my life went, what did I do with it? I want to live it!
Now let’s talk about you. What brought you here to my site?
v  Did you just want to do a little research on these amazing natural products?
v  Are you searching  for a way to earn the extra money  for your family ?
v  Are you on the clock wishing you could earn a living building sandcastles?
v  Are you searching for a way to finally live life rather than just watching it spin around you?
Whatever the reason, feel free to connect with me; Find me on facebook at www.facebook.com/reneemelby or email me at: renee@reneemelby.com
Warmest Wishes, 
 RenĂ©e Melby
PS… I do a drawing every week.  I’d be happy to enter you.  Fill out your information below and send it to me.


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