Diving for Christmas

Sitting here before the sun even comes up remember times when my son was growing up and it was the day before Christmas Eve just like today.

I was a #singlemom and #broke. Well, I wasn't single, but I felt as though I was. (That's a whole nother story) Either Way, that year, I had to choose between paying my rent payment for the month or buying #christmaspresents for my son; you wanna talk about feeling worthless.

I remember living just outside of a well off neighborhood and how right before Christmas they would throw toys in the dumpster that were barely even touched. Those kids had so much they would never miss it anyway and most of the things were still in the original boxes. I had shared with my friend how I was feeling and broke down in tears. As we drove by this area we noticed all of the things piled up and I decided to take a dive in the dumpster. That made me feel really worthless but we found a few we could salvage.  What comes to my mind most is a crayon clock, it didn't even work but was colorful and for some reason, I had to have it. Maybe because it was colorful and cheery.

My friend also worked at a pet store and was able to get him the hamster he wanted and she surprised me and him with karate suite.  He had wanted to take lessons but there was no way I could afford it. I always promised those lessons but was never able to give them to him.
I worked hard at my job #thirdshift at that time and still couldn't get ahead.
I was too proud to ask for help and I felt like the biggest failure.

I missed out on giving him all the things he wanted. He was worth so much more  to me than having that kind of life.

I decided that Christmas day that I was going to dig myself out of that hole I was in. It took me years to do it but I never gave up, I never stopped trying; I did it but it was too late. Those little hands had grown into adult hands and I'm pretty sure he doesn't still long for those karate lessons.

I'm telling you all of this because here it is the day before Christmas Eve and I want to reach out to any single moms or struggling parents that may be reading my story  to say you; if you are struggling right now, you don't have to.

All I prayed for back then was an extra paycheck each month. Just an extra $300 a month and I would have been good.  Back then $20.00 extra in my pocket was like a million to me.

I've come a long way since those days but I remember them well and I hate the thought of anyone going through that struggle now. I've gone Christmas shopping this year. I can't image having to pay for a child's christmas on the hourly wage that people are working for today.

I wish that there was a company around back then like I am working with now.  I wish someone would have approached me and talked to me about being able to earn from home instead of having my child not have his mom at home at night to tuck him in.

I am here to tell you that I am living proof that you can go from Dumpster to Diamonds and you don't have to go through all of the things that you are going through!!!!

I believe with all my heart that my purpose is to teach struggling parents, single moms that there is hope. There is a purpose to your life too and your time is now!

This opportunity may not be for you and that's okay to.... but what if it is?
What if I could show you how to stay at home with your kids instead of putting them in daycare and still earn a living.... instead of getting to the low point in your life where all you do it cry everyday wondering how you are going to pay for everything and give your son (or daughter) what they need or want...
Don't you think you deserve it? Don't they?

TEXT or CALL Me:::: 252-422-1856.
Together we can make 2016 the year that everything changes for you!

Warmest Wishes & Merry Christmas,

 RenĂ©e Melby


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