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Diving for Christmas

Sitting here before the sun even comes up remember times when my son was growing up and it was the day before Christmas Eve just like today. I was a #singlemom and #broke. Well, I wasn't single, but I felt as though I was. (That's a whole nother story) Either Way, that year, I had to choose between paying my rent payment for the month or buying #christmaspresents for my son; you wanna talk about feeling worthless. I remember living just outside of a well off neighborhood and how right before Christmas they would throw toys in the dumpster that were barely even touched. Those kids had so much they would never miss it anyway and most of the things were still in the original boxes. I had shared with my friend how I was feeling and broke down in tears. As we drove by this area we noticed all of the things piled up and I decided to take a dive in the dumpster. That made me feel really worthless but we found a few we could salvage.  What comes to my mind most is a crayon clock...

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